
Most of our replicas can be customised to suit your preference.  We're always looking to extend how we can do this without complicating the process of getting what you want from your replica item.

We offer a selection of colours and finishes and you can see, below, how each of them look. 

No finish (grey)

This is a perfect base to apply your own paint finish.  The colour is created when powdered stone is introduced into the resin mix, the more powder, the darker the grey.  There can be a variance in the shade from piece to piece.

No finish (cream)

Our smaller, more intricate replicas come out of their mould as a cream colour as no powder is used that would turn them grey.  The colour is consistent all around from piece to piece.

Image coming soon!

Stained Ivory

This is one of our most realistic finishes, particularly suited to smaller replica items.  Each piece is carefully stained to achieve a rustic bone appearance.  In our skeleton replicas shades are appropriately placed to simulate wear and contour just like a real fossil skeleton.

Fossil Brown

This is our most realistic finish.  Fossil brown named so because of the quality of finish, is a satisfying deep brown, it highlights detail and emulates the visual texture of a fossil texture wonderfully.